Rites of Passage & Beautillion
Sesa Wo Suban
I change to transform my life.
About the Program
Since 1990, the Rites of Passage/Beautillion has been a premier program partnership of the Ivy Rose Foundation and the Delta Rho Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. The program has consistently continued to provide the participants with an invaluable learning experience that is rooted in tradition and whose purpose is to raise consciousness, solve problems and effect change.
The Rites of Passage/Beautillion is a biennial program which spans from November through the final event in June. The program consists of our Beaus (young men aged 14 - 18), their Beauties (young women aged 14-18) and their respective Mentors. Our Beaus and Beauties will participate in weekly interactive workshops including:
Career Seminar
Social Etiquette/ Social Media Responsibility
Mental Health & Hygiene
Financial Literacy
After the workshops, the participants will continue weekly meetings and learn African drumming and dance. The young men will then undergo a ceremonial Rites of Passage adapted from West African tradition, marking their transition from adolescence to young adulthood. The eight-month journey then culminates in a formal black-tie ceremony where the participants are presented to the community at the Beautillion, a non-traditional cotillion for young men.
About our Participants/Application Criteria
Beaus and Beauties must be between the ages of 14-18 years old
They must be available for weekly in-person meetings, Sunday 3pm - 5pm
They must have a willingness to learn and succeed
Application Process
Parents/Guardians and Applicants must complete the Application Packet including:
Parent/Sponsor Information Form
Beautillion Agreement
Media Release Form
Submit a Recent Photo
Applicants must ask a family friend, school official, church or community leader to complete a Recommendation Form
Submit a $200 Participation Fee
Personal Check/Money Order made payable to the “Ivy Rose Foundation, Inc.”
Zelle Payments sent to: financialsecretary@ivyrosefoundationinc.org
Attend the Orientation Session: November 19, 2023, 4 PM - 6 PM. Location to be provided upon receipt of application
Kelly-Marie Mingo
Mecca Hawkins
Marlene Linen
Rites of Passage Co-Chair
Randa Jenkins
Beautillion Co-Chair
Important Notice:
We have always prioritized safety and in these uncertain times, this is no different. We are practicing and enforcing best practices for social distancing and self-isolation in the midst of COVID-19.
We encourage you to stay safe. This includes practicing safe social distancing.
Until then, connect with us virtually online via our website and social media channels. This is where you’ll find any updates on how we are managing the safety of you and our community.